Inspired by the timeless wisdom of our school motto, "...Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam" , that is , striving for excellence, our vision is to be a beacon of excellence in education, nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel academically, embrace cultural and moral values, and contribute positively to the global community. We aim to provide a dynamic learning environment to foster the holistic development of every child by nurturing their intellectual, emotional, physical, and creative potential. We envision cultivating culturally and morally upright individuals who appreciate and uphold the richness of their heritage, be compassionate, responsible, and resilient individuals, prepared to contribute positively to society and lead meaningful lives.
In a world filled with conflict and fear, hope is as essential as water. -- Herbert Kohl
Hope is the quality of character that sustains belief under seemingly impossible situations.......People encounter sources of hope in the imagination, in the words and examples of others.
We at CRPF Public School Dwarka believe that, given a conducive environment, every child is educable ...Read More
The mission of CRPF PUBLIC SCHOOL is to cultivate a vibrant culture of innovation that nurtures curiosity, critical thinking, and design thinking, while fostering meaningful social and cultural collaboration. We aim to empower our students with essential 21st-century skills, encouraging them to contribute their unique ideas and embrace change with confidence. Our commitment to innovation promotes an open, inclusive, and dynamic environment where students are inspired to ideate, create and innovate.
Investiture Ceremony 2023-2024Read More
Independence Day Celebration 2023-2024Read More
Crpf Mun 2024Read More
Cbse Workshop For Teachers On Learning Outcomes And PedagogyRead More
Gandhi Jayanti And Award Ceremony Celebration 2023-2024Read More
Admission Programme Class 4-9 & Class Xi, 2024-2025Read More
Sports Day Celebration 2024-2025Read More
Celebrating Math Week By Senior ClassesRead More